Corporate Law

The members of the law firm have intervened in complex operations involving mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, goodwill transference and structuring of corporate and shareholders’ agreements and trust funds, especially in the insurance, financial and agricultural services sector. In this area, the law firm provides an added value based on our experience in the coordination of work between all actors, participants and advisors linked to the operation.
This experience has increased along years with the incorporation of members with expertise in the different sectors involved in operations.
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Oriz
  • Mariana Vázquez
  • Ramón Massot

Banking and Financial Law

The law firm counts with a qualified professional team of members that acquired their experience in banks and other like companies of Argentina’s financial system, providing a special vision on the sector.
We have the competitive advantage of deeply knowing the financial business, and in consequence, of being able to advise our clients on the daily needs they may have and on more complex operations within a highly regulated market.
Members of this area have successfully represented diverse clients in banking and financial operations at large, in the framework of a careful and assisted professional relationship.
People to contact:

  • Ramón Massot
  • Pablo Augusto Antao
  • Mariana Vázquez

Capital Market

The members of the law firm have provided advice to enterprises of different sectors and to financial entities about granting and obtaining loans, share and debt security issuance, initial and secondary shares and negotiable bonds public offering, asset securitization, investment funds and derivatives.
People to contact:

  • Mariana Vázquez
  • Pablo Augusto Antao

Business Structuring

Integral business advising is a concept deeply rooted in the services we provide in all areas. Our advice is aimed at finding the best solution and, for that, all legal implications of our reports are thoroughly analyzed and informed in each case.
Our qualified approach also allows us to orient the client in the conformation of new corporate structures and in different transactions. Thus facilitating both strategic decision-making as well as less complex problems’ solution.
We provide a proactive service, seeking to optimize our clients’ decisions, resources and processes.
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Ortiz
  • Mariana Vázquez

Insolvency and Restructuring

The members of the law firm have intervened in insolvency and restructuring processes. We have a multidisciplinary team of qualified professionals, capable of managing complex and sophisticated situations of enterprises in the midst of financial crises.
We deliver advice on selection processes and bankruptcy, creditors’ rights, credit verification processes, purchase of bankrupt companies, credit execution and negotiation of corporate debts and their restructuring.
It is our top priority to provide a useful and timely advice and to maximize the economic interests of our clients.
People to contact:

  • Sergio Alfonso
  • Ramón Massot
  • Pablo Augusto Antao

Lawsuits and Arbitration

Our law firm has significant experience in the management of judicial and arbitral lawsuits representing clients before federal courts of Buenos Aires city and the provinces, in a diversity of matters such as complex commercial issues and actions based on the consumer protection act. Including standing before diverse national, regional and local state agencies.
We focus on developing the most adequate strategy, designing creative solutions that match the judicial and arbitral practice and on advising the client on the best course of action to get the best result possible.
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Ortiz
  • Sergio Alfonso
  • Pablo Augusto Antao

Administrative Law and Economic Regulation

Our department of Administrative Law represents our clients in their relationships with control agencies (National Insurance Superintendence, Work Risks Superintendence, and others), and provides professional services in administrative contracts, tenders, concessions, public works, administrative easement, expropriations, privatizations, administrative procedures, public domain issues and others belonging to this discipline.
People to contact:

  • Adrián Louge
  • Juan Gonnet

Insurance and Reinsurance

The law firm has sound experience in the field of insurance and reinsurance, in issues such as civil and professional liability insurance, hail, agricultural multi risk, life insurance, non-judicial lawsuits, settlement processes and trials, advice regarding accidents legal valuation and reserves to be constituted, writing of occurrence, claims made or mixed policies, special clauses of exclusion and adjustment, writing of contracts, negotiation of cut off agreements, accident follow-up and audits, approval by the SSN of wording for new policies, representation of the reinsurer and resolution of disputes with the assignors.
Our specialization has been particularly developed in the service of retirement insurance companies managing pension funds, as well as of companies that manage work risks fund
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Ortiz
  • Sergio Alfonso
  • Pablo Pavic
  • Ramón Massot
  • Estela Vázquez

Labor and Immigration

Our advice in the field of Labor Law is oriented both to the legal representation of employers as well as to the preventive advising upon any potential conflict that may arise from an employer-employee relationship, providing alternative problem-solving mechanisms through out-of-court means. This includes prevention and definition of solutions and alternatives to the daily issues and the analysis and negotiation of collective work agreements.
The law firm regularly acts before the Labor Ministry, National and Regional Administrative Authorities and Labor Courts across the country.
Our professionals are educated in Public Labor Law, knowing the collective agreements in force in all activities, enabling them to make the right choice towards the resolution of the conflicts that imply the mentioned regulations.
People to contact:

  • Sergio Alfonso
  • María José Marroquín

Social Security

The social security department of the law firm provides advice to both corporate clients and individuals.
The wide range of services that the firm delivers includes: building the social security record of the employees of a company, proceedings to obtain ordinary pension, incapacity and death benefits, proceedings related to the incorporation of moratoriums and coverage of missing deductions, legal actions towards the full recognition of social security rights, advice to enterprises on the provisional framework for different agents, audits on the social security deductions retained to employees, detection of problems that might arise during an inspection and assistance at the latter, administrative proceedings to determine debts before AFIP and recovery of incorrectly made payments.
People to contact:

  • Ramón Massot
  • Inés Gorbea

Health Law

The law firm has worked for years with different actors of the health market and our lawyers have gathered experience in the legal aspects of the health industry.
We provide advice to medical services providers, medical centers, professional associations, doctors and other medical professionals, among others.
Our experience in this field includes control agencies’ legal rules and regulations, aspects related to medical services, negotiation of debts with medical insurance companies, advice to medical professionals, insurance companies and service malpractice judicial claims.
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Ortiz
  • Sergio Alfonso
  • María José Marroquín

Consumer Protection

The law firm has an outstanding participation in the area of Consumer Law from a corporate perspective, both in the assessment and prevention of potential claims as well as in the protection of our clients’ interests in administrative and legal processes.
Advice on this field has been developed in all relevant aspects, including the analysis of contracts linked to consumption relationships, revision of standard clauses and adhesion contracts, adaptation of international contractuals standards to Argentinean regulations on consumer protection, advice on re-call for defective products and derivative civil liability. Furthermore, we have vast experience in the pre-launch revision of advertisements under regulations of Consumer Protection and Commercial Loyalty.
People to contact:

  • Adrián Louge
  • Juan Gonnet

Tax Law

Our professionals give comprehensive advice regarding tax issues present in foreign investments, debt restructuring, M&A operations and other kind of transactions
We advice clients on the application of taxes at national and regional levels and we represent them before fiscal authorities of each jurisdiction and the respective courts in the case of there being a conflict of such natur
People to contact:

  • Diego Silva Ortiz
  • Mercedes Berráondo

Telecommunications / Media

The members of the law firm have experience in advising telecommunications companies.
The experience in this industry goes from strictly regulatory issues to more daily ones that clients may need, developing real and efficient legal strategies and instruments
We offer clients a specialized regulatory advice, which is integrated with the rest of the departments of the law firm to provide integral solutions adjusted to the specific needs of the industry in the field of administrative, commercial, corporate, financial and tax law and in conflict resolution.
People to contact:

  • Mariana Vázquez


The professionals of the law firm have the advantage of knowing the shipping business and the elements necessarily related to it. They have experience in advising and/or intervening in all topics related to maritime and river transportation of grains and containers as well as multimodal transport, containers leasing contracts, customs fines, international sale or purchase of merchandise, its transportation and insurance, be that through a knowledge of shipment or contract of affreightment; issues related to hull and machines, P&I and containers coverage, ship seizure and maritime privileges, boarding, assistance and salvage, contracts of towing, pilotage, construction, and ships sale or purchase and warehouse and port terminal responsibilities, among others
People to contact:

  • Estela Vázquez

Intellectual Property

The law firm provides advice, registration and follow-up services on issues such as brands, invention patents, commercial names, utility models and industrial designs, registration strategies, searches and product classification in Argentina and the United States.
We provide advice on issues such as commercial contracts, technology transference, licenses, franchises and utilization.
Furthermore, the law firm addresses legal and contentious issues that arise from the controversy regarding intellectual and industrial property infringement as well as conflict resolution, rights protection and piracy.
People to contact:

  • Pablo Pavic
  • Sergio Alfonso


The law firm has specialization in the follow up of debts and their collection. Our professional services are aimed at recovering assets and involve management of debts with or without surety, which may come from checking accounts, personal loans, secured and mortgage loans and all other bank products; collection of telephone or cable services, ART aliquot and delinquent accounts.
At present, collection management is carried out through “SAP Recupero de Créditos SRL”, a company that is linked to the law firm.
We place the accumulated experience in this area at our clients’ disposition, an experience that reflects on a great capacity for out-of-court negotiations to combat possible arrears and posterior debt. We also manage and process credit recovery trials that did not reach a satisfactory agreement.
People to contact:

  • Pablo Pavic
  • Sergio Alfonso
  • Hernán Cullen
  • Sebastián López

Pro Bono

Today, access to justice for people who lack the necessary means and have their essential rights tampered with is becoming of great significance.
Members of the law firm understand that as law professionals and as members of the society the time has come for them to return to the community what it has given them, some way or other. Our profession imposes on us an ethical duty to help and that is why the law firm works in the legal assistance of the needed and participates in solidarity campaigns. The law firm collaborates, among others, with “Red Solidaria” (Solidarity network), the “Instituto de Cultura Solidaria” (Solidarity culture institute) and the Pro Bono Committee of the Lawyers College of Buenos Aires city.
People to contact:

  • Pablo Pavic